Custom Karaoke - Latin Music - Male - From 120 to 130 BPM - Multiple major scales - 48 tracks available

Dance Away - Custom Karaoke - Roxy Music

$ 9.99

Dance Away in the style of Roxy Music
Custom Karaoke
Fireball - Custom Karaoke - Pitbull
& John Ryan

$ 9.99

Fireball in the style of Pitbull & John Ryan
Custom Karaoke
Stand by Me - Custom Karaoke - Geeno Smith

$ 9.99

Stand by Me in the style of Geeno Smith
Custom Karaoke
Un poco loco - Custom Karaoke - Coco

$ 9.99

Un poco loco in the style of Coco
Custom Karaoke
Eres mia - Custom Karaoke - Romeo Santos

$ 9.99

Eres mia in the style of Romeo Santos
Custom Karaoke
'O sole mio - Custom Karaoke - Il Volo

$ 9.99

'O sole mio in the style of Il Volo
Custom Karaoke
I Sing A Liad Für Dich - Custom Karaoke - DJ Ötzi

$ 9.99

I Sing A Liad Für Dich in the style of DJ Ötzi
Custom Karaoke
Dali Ven - Custom Karaoke - Chico & The Gypsies
Manolo Gimenez

$ 9.99

Dali Ven in the style of Chico & The Gypsies (Manolo Gimenez)
Custom Karaoke
Vamos a bailar - Custom Karaoke - The Gipsy Kings

$ 9.99

Vamos a bailar in the style of The Gipsy Kings
Custom Karaoke
Au sommet - Custom Karaoke - Kendji Girac

$ 9.99

Au sommet in the style of Kendji Girac
Custom Karaoke
Azul - Custom Karaoke - Cristian Castro

$ 9.99

Azul in the style of Cristian Castro
Custom Karaoke
Hot Hot Hot - Custom Karaoke - Buster Poindexter

$ 9.99

Hot Hot Hot in the style of Buster Poindexter
Custom Karaoke