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Custom Backing Track - French Pop Music - 60's - From 100 to 120 BPM - Multiple scales - 14 tracks available

Et pourtant custom backing track - Charles Aznavour

$ 2.99

Et pourtant in the style of Charles Aznavour
• 8 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Electric guitar, Organ, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Les Don Juan custom backing track - Claude Nougaro

$ 2.99

Les Don Juan in the style of Claude Nougaro
• 8 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Drum kit, Bongos, Double bass, Piano, Organ, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Les ballons rouges custom backing track - Serge Lama

$ 2.99

Les ballons rouges in the style of Serge Lama
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Timpani, Piano, Accordion, Glockenspiel, Strings, Strings, Cello, Double bass, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Solenzara custom backing track - Régina & Bruno

$ 2.99

Solenzara in the style of Régina & Bruno
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Double bass, Rhythm acoustic guitar, Lead acoustic guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Organ, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
La musique custom backing track - Nicoletta

$ 2.99

La musique in the style of Nicoletta
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Electric guitar, Piano, Organ, Brass section, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Enfants de tous pays custom backing track - Enrico Macias

$ 2.99

Enfants de tous pays in the style of Enrico Macias
• 14 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Double bass, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Arr. acoustic guitar, Electric guitar, Electric piano, Organ, Organ, Organ, Piccolo, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track

$ 2.99

Non, j'irai pas chez ma tante in the style of Pierre Perret
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Bass, Electric guitar, Piano, Accordion, Xylophone, Strings, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
La bande à Bonnot custom backing track - Joe Dassin

$ 2.99

La bande à Bonnot in the style of Joe Dassin
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Piano, Organ, Accordion, Brass section, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Nous les amoureux custom backing track - Jean-Claude Pascal

$ 2.99

Nous les amoureux in the style of Jean-Claude Pascal
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Double bass, Bass, Electric guitar, Piano, Brass section, Strings, Harp, Woodwinds, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
El porompompero custom backing track - Enrico Macias

$ 2.99

El porompompero in the style of Enrico Macias
• 6 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Latin percussion, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Les Dalton custom backing track - Joe Dassin

$ 2.99

Les Dalton in the style of Joe Dassin
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Sound effect, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Lead electric guitar, Organ, Brass section, Backing vocals, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Des roses rouges pour un ange blond custom backing track - Lucky Blondo

$ 2.99

Des roses rouges pour un ange blond in the style of Lucky Blondo
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Piano, Brass section, Muted Trumpet, Alto saxophone, Violin, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Le petit pain au chocolat custom backing track - Joe Dassin

$ 2.99

Le petit pain au chocolat in the style of Joe Dassin
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Electric guitar, Piano, Brass section, Woodwinds, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
La grande Zoa custom backing track - Régine

$ 2.99

La grande Zoa in the style of Régine
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Piano, Vibes, Brass section, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track