Custom Backing Track - Soul - In French - Multiple minor scales - 7 tracks available

Soulman custom backing track - Ben L'Oncle Soul

$ 2.99

Soulman in the style of Ben L'Oncle Soul
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Tambourine, Bass, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Piano, Organ, Brass section, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Otis (Live Big Band) custom backing track - Eddy Mitchell

$ 2.99

Otis (Live Big Band) in the style of Eddy Mitchell
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Piano, Organ, Brass section, Backing vocals, Male lead vocal, Female lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
L'ombre d'un homme custom backing track - Ben L'Oncle Soul

$ 2.99

L'ombre d'un homme in the style of Ben L'Oncle Soul
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Electric guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Piano, Electric piano, Organ, Brass section, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Qu'il en soit ainsi custom backing track - Poetic Lover

$ 2.99

Qu'il en soit ainsi in the style of Poetic Lover
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass synth, Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Strings, Synth Lead, Backing vocals, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Ensemble custom backing track - Corneille

$ 2.99

Ensemble in the style of Corneille
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Electronic drum kit, Sound effect, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric piano, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Demain j'arrête custom backing track - Ben L'Oncle Soul

$ 2.99

Demain j'arrête in the style of Ben L'Oncle Soul
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drums and percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Piano, Electric piano, Organ, Brass section, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
J'ai deux amours custom backing track - Zaz

$ 2.99

J'ai deux amours in the style of Zaz
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Double bass, Piano, Harmonica, Backing vocals, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track