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Custom Backing Track Lizzo

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About Damn Time custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

About Damn Time in the style of Lizzo
• 14 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Rhythm electric guitar, Arr. electric guitar, Arr. electric guitar, Piano, Synth Lead, Synth Brass, Metal bars, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
About Damn Time (clean version) custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

About Damn Time (clean version) in the style of Lizzo
• 14 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Rhythm electric guitar, Electric guitar, Arr. electric guitar, Piano, Synth Lead, Synth Brass, Metal bars, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) in the style of Lizzo
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Electronic drum kit, Sound effect, Bass synth, Piano, Electric piano, Synthesizer, Synthesizer, Synth Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Juice custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

Juice in the style of Lizzo
• 15 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Sound effect, Bass, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Synth Lead, Synth Keys, Synth Keys, Synth Brass, Brass section, Backing vocals, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Good As Hell custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

Good As Hell in the style of Lizzo
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Sound effect, Bass synth, Piano, Brass section, Backing vocals, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Truth Hurts custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

Truth Hurts in the style of Lizzo
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Electronic drum kit, Bass synth, Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Lead, Synthesizer, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Pink custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

Pink in the style of Lizzo (Barbie 2023 film)
• 15 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Electronic drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Piano, Electric piano, Electric piano, Digital Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Keys, Brass section, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Butter (in the Live Lounge) custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

Butter (in the Live Lounge) in the style of Lizzo
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Electronic drum kit, Sound effect, Bass, Electric guitar, Electric piano, Synthesizer, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
About Damn Time (Purple Disco Machine remix) custom backing track - Lizzo

$ 2.99

About Damn Time (Purple Disco Machine remix) in the style of Lizzo
• 13 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Electronic drum kit, Percussion, Sound effects, Bass synth, Electric guitar, Piano, Synthesizer, Synthesizer, Synth Keys, Synth Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Stayin' Alive custom backing track - Lizzo
Happy Death Day 2U

$ 2.99

Stayin' Alive in the style of Lizzo (Happy Death Day 2U)
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Electronic drum kit, Sound effect, Bass synth, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Synthesizer, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track