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Custom Backing Track Diana Ross

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Ease On Down The Road custom backing track - Diana Ross
Diana Ross
From The Wiz (film) movie soundtrack

$ 2.99

Ease On Down The Road (From The Wiz film movie soundtrack) in the style of Diana Ross
• 15 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Shaker, Congas, Bass, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Lead electric guitar, Lead electric guitar, Piano, Electric piano, Brass section, Backing vocals, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Baby Love custom backing track - Diana Ross

$ 2.99

Baby Love in the style of Diana Ross (Diana Ross & The Supremes)
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Piano, Vibes, Trumpet, Saxophone, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
My Old Piano custom backing track - Diana Ross
Diana Ross

$ 2.99

My Old Piano in the style of Diana Ross
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Electric guitar, Piano, Organ, Strings, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
I'm Coming Out custom backing track - Diana Ross
Diana Ross

$ 2.99

I'm Coming Out in the style of Diana Ross
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Drum kit, Bass, Electric guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Piano, Electric piano, Brass section, Trombone, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Upside Down custom backing track - Diana Ross
Diana Ross

$ 2.99

Upside Down in the style of Diana Ross
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Rhythm electric guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Arr. electric guitar, Piano, Electric piano, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
When You Tell Me That You Love Me custom backing track - Diana Ross

$ 2.99

When You Tell Me That You Love Me in the style of Diana Ross
• 14 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Distorted electric guitar, Lead electric guitar, Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Pad, Synth Keys, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
When You Tell Me That You Love Me (duet) custom backing track - Diana Ross

$ 2.99

When You Tell Me That You Love Me (duet) in the style of Diana Ross & Westlife
• 15 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Arr. electric guitar, Piano + Synthesizer, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
You Are Everything custom backing track - Diana Ross

$ 2.99

You Are Everything in the style of Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye
• 14 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Sitar, Piano, Organ, Synth Keys, Strings, Harp, Brass instruments, Woodwinds, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
A Brand New Day (Everybody Rejoice) custom backing track - Diana Ross

$ 2.99

A Brand New Day (Everybody Rejoice) in the style of Diana Ross (The Wiz film)
• 15 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Keyboard, Pitched percussion, Soprano saxophone, Strings, Harp, Wind instruments, Backing vocals, Lead vocal, Lead vocal, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Ain't No Mountain High Enough custom backing track - Diana Ross
Diana Ross
Single Version

$ 2.99

Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Single Version) in the style of Diana Ross
• 13 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Piano, Harpsichord, Pitched percussion, Strings, Harp, Brass instruments, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track