Backing Tracks - Children's Music - Female for Drums - 5 tracks available

Une souris verte - Drums Backing Track - Comptine
Une souris verte in the style of Comptine
Drums Backing Track MP3
Auprès de ma blonde - Drums Backing Track - Comptine
Auprès de ma blonde in the style of Comptine
Drums Backing Track MP3
Il était une bergère - Drums Backing Track - Comptine
Il était une bergère in the style of Comptine
Drums Backing Track MP3
Ne pleure pas Jeannette - Drums Backing Track - Comptine
Ne pleure pas Jeannette in the style of Comptine
Drums Backing Track MP3
A la claire fontaine - Drums Backing Track - Comptine
A la claire fontaine in the style of Comptine
Drums Backing Track MP3
Free Drums Backing Tracks - Free Drumless Instrumentals - Karaoke Version

Enjoy our Free Drums Backing Tracks to learn the drums and train on free instrumental tracks without drums.

Want more ? Thousands of other Drumless Tracks are available on Karaoke Version. Pick an Instrumental Version, and take the drummer's seat. In just a few clicks, become the drummer of your favorite bands!