Let's Go Dancin' (Ooh La, La, La) - Custom Karaoke - Kool and the Gang

This title is a cover version of Let's Go Dancin' (Ooh La, La, La) as made famous by Kool and the Gang

The lyrics below are only an example. Go on, write your own!
*Or go on, test your singing skills in Latin!

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  • Unlimited changes to your song for 90 days after purchase
  • Only MP4 format is available at this time

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    Purchase the song
    that you want to customize

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    Be creative,
    add your lyrics

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    Dowload the video
    of your custom karaoke

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Same as the original tempo: 96.4 BPM

In the same key as the original: A♭

This track ends without fading out

Release date: 1982
Format: MP4
Genres: Disco, Funk, In English
Original songwriter: Robert Mickens, George Melvin Brown, Robert Bell, Eumir Deodato, James Warren Taylor, Amir S Bayyan, Michael Arthur Ray, Curtis "Fitz" Williams, Clifford Alanza Jr Adams, Ronald Nathan Bell, Claydes Smith

All files available for download are backing tracks, they're not the original music.