Custom Backing Track - Keyboard - French Pop Music - 60's - Multiple scales - 22 tracks available

Le déserteur custom backing track - Serge Reggiani

$ 2.99

Le déserteur in the style of Serge Reggiani
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Intro count (click + key), Click, Drum kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Organ, Vibes, Brass instruments, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Le sirop typhon custom backing track - Richard Anthony

$ 2.99

Le sirop typhon in the style of Richard Anthony
• 14 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Sound effect, Double bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Harpsichord, Organ, Pitched percussion, Bells, Brass section, Tuba, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Les grilles de ma maison custom backing track - Dalida

$ 2.99

Les grilles de ma maison in the style of Dalida
• 13 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric guitar, Piano, Organ, Vibes, Strings, Brass instruments, Flute, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Frankie et Johnny custom backing track - Johnny Hallyday

$ 2.99

Frankie et Johnny in the style of Johnny Hallyday
• 6 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Electric guitar, Keyboard, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Capri c'est fini custom backing track - Hervé Vilard

$ 2.99

Capri c'est fini in the style of Hervé Vilard
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Electric guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Mandolin, Piano, Organ, Violin, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
La femme de mon ami custom backing track - Enrico Macias

$ 2.99

La femme de mon ami in the style of Enrico Macias
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Latin percussion, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Lead acoustic guitar, Electric guitar, Organ, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
L'idole des jeunes custom backing track - Johnny Hallyday

$ 2.99

L'idole des jeunes in the style of Johnny Hallyday
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Wind chimes, Bass, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Digital Piano, Organ, Synth Voice, Guitar Synth, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Paris violon custom backing track - Michel Legrand

$ 2.99

Paris violon in the style of Michel Legrand
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Timpani, Double bass, Acoustic Guitar, Celesta, Glockenspiel, Strings, Harp, Brass instruments, Flute, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
La leçon de twist custom backing track - Les chaussettes noires

$ 2.99

La leçon de twist in the style of Les chaussettes noires
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Rhythm electric guitar, Lead electric guitar, Organ, Tenor saxophone, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Le bal des Laze custom backing track - Michel Polnareff

$ 2.99

Le bal des Laze in the style of Michel Polnareff
• 7 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Bass, Harpsichord, Organ, Organ, Celesta, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Tonton Cristobal custom backing track - Pierre Perret

$ 2.99

Tonton Cristobal in the style of Pierre Perret
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Organ, Accordion, Trombone, Tuba, Flute, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
La vérité custom backing track - Guy Béart

$ 2.99

La vérité in the style of Guy Béart
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Rhythm acoustic guitar, Electric guitar, Banjo, Organ, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Jolie môme custom backing track - Léo Ferré

$ 2.99

Jolie môme in the style of Léo Ferré
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Double bass, Acoustic Guitar, Accordion, Xylophone, Brass section, Tenor saxophone + Alto saxophone, Flute, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Toi custom backing track - Alain Barrière

$ 2.99

Toi in the style of Alain Barrière
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Electric guitar, Rhythm electric guitar, Piano, Digital Piano, Synth Pad, Violin, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Il est mort le soleil custom backing track - Nicoletta

$ 2.99

Il est mort le soleil in the style of Nicoletta
• 11 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Synth Pad, Arpegiator, Brass section, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track

$ 2.99

Paris, tu m'as pris dans tes bras in the style of Enrico Macias
• 10 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Rhythm acoustic guitar, Harpsichord, Violin, Flute, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Si j'avais un marteau custom backing track - Claude François

$ 2.99

Si j'avais un marteau in the style of Claude François
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Percussion, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Organ, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Tu t'laisses aller custom backing track - Charles Aznavour

$ 2.99

Tu t'laisses aller in the style of Charles Aznavour
• 13 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Double bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Glockenspiel, Strings, Harp, Brass instruments, Oboe, Clarinet, Flute, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Sing Sing Song custom backing track - Claude Nougaro

$ 2.99

Sing Sing Song (Work Song) in the style of Claude Nougaro
• 9 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Congas, Bass, Piano, Organ, Brass section, Trombone, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track
69 année érotique custom backing track - Serge Gainsbourg

$ 2.99

69 année érotique in the style of Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin
• 12 customisable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum kit, Castanets, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Electric guitar, Electric guitar, Piano, Glockenspiel, Strings, Backing vocals, Lead vocal)
Custom Backing Track